Urban Lodge Brewing Co. 47 Purnell Pl, Manchester, CT
We will be decorating 6 cookies in a Valentine's Day theme in the back bar area at the Urban Lodge. Included in the class fee is 1 drink tic...
Urban Lodge Brewing Co. 47 Purnell Pl, Manchester, CT
The Bristol Bazaar 67 Race Street, Bristol, CT
We will be decorating 6 cookies in a March Madness basketball theme (UCONN) in the conference room of The Bristol Bazaar. Check out our Cat...
The Bristol Bazaar 67 Race Street, Bristol, CT
67 Race Street, Bristol, CT
The Bristol Bazaar is an indoor makers market that is open year-round. They support over 65 makers at any given point, have an event/classro...
67 Race Street, Bristol, CT
Urban Lodge Brewing Co. 47 Purnell Pl, Manchester, CT
We will be decorating 6 cookies in a UCONN basketball theme to celebrate MARCH MADNESS! WE will be in the back bar area at the Urban Lodge. ...
Urban Lodge Brewing Co. 47 Purnell Pl, Manchester, CT
E.O. Smith High School 1235 Storrs Rd, Mansfield, CT
The Cookie Jar will have the following items for sale: sugar cookies (vanilla and maple flavors), paint your own cookies, and sugar cookie k...
E.O. Smith High School 1235 Storrs Rd, Mansfield, CT